America is under God's divine judgment.
America has turned her back on God to do her own thing. What we're seeing is so much wickedness, and America has been in the control of evil men since her founding. I love You, King Jesus!
On July 4th, I wrote about how America isn’t and never has been a Christian nation and the pledge of allegiance to the American flag is unbiblical, I want to continue on the journey of helping people know the whole truth of the real history of America. I want everyone to know that I do this research so they can do their own research themselves. Washington D.C with its architecture, (the obelisks) buildings and symbolism is of the occult, structures designed and dedicated to all of the ancient pagan “gods”, going all the way back to ancient Egypt, Rome and Babylon which Nimrod played a massive role in forming the mystery Babylonian religions, especially occultism. America is a corporation, it’s the land of the plumed serpent and statism is a religion. Anyone who has faith in statism/the world system rather than having their trust and faith in Jesus Christ alone, it’s a form of idolatry which God the Father hates. (Revelation 21:8)
I pray that people realize politics is Satan’s game and the kingdom that the elites are wanting to build now is the kingdom of the Antichrist which will ultimately usher in the Beast system mentioned in Revelation 13. This is why Jesus said His Kingdom is not of this world. (John 18:36)
Credit to my friend for explaining this to me as well as the explanation throughout the Belly of the Beast movie:
The 33° House of the Temple (in DC) summons the ‘seed of Osiris’ while the newly selected president is being ‘sworn in’ at the Capital Dome (belly of Isis) while facing the Washington Monument (phallus of Osiris), just as the Egyptian Pharaohs did.
The High-ranking Freemasons believe that through this ritual, each president becomes demonically energized by the spirit of Osiris and becomes a “living representative of him”. This ritual is precisely copied from the Egyptians (landmarks and all) as they did this with every Pharaoh— he would walk into the “Belly of Isis” a man and walk out as a ‘god,’ a living vessel for Osiris. This ritual is reflected by the “all seeing eye” on the American one-dollar bill.
Even the word Inaugurate comes from the Latin word “inaugurō,” which literally means “to approve on the basis of omens”.
This movie is important to watch: Everything about Washington D.C is Occultic.
The Occultic Ritual of EVERY Presidential Inauguration - Belly of the Beast.
Paganism rules over America and this video explains in more detail: The Pagan Entities Ruling Over America.
Having faith in Statism will only lead to people’s demise as they’re committing idolatry.
Explanation of Christian Nationalism and what may come from this in the future.
These are the four things I’ve noticed that we’re under God’s divine judgment, because Satan always comes and steals, kills and destroys everything that God ever creates. The influence of Satan on the cabal, elite evil men/families who became extremely wealthy and how they’ve shaped America in a very negative and corrupt way.
First thing I’ve noticed is the Founding Fathers, they were “occultists/spiritualists/deists”. Deism explanation:
So, they believed that the Bible didn’t matter, because of the traditions and the words that Jesus taught to His disciples. The elite keep trying to make the Founding Fathers Christian and that’s a flat out lie. Most of them were a part of Freemasonry, and the first president was connected directly to the Jesuit Order. If they truly believed in Jesus Christ, they wouldn’t have capitulated/compromised with anything or been a part of the Jesuit Order/Freemasonry. These Founding Fathers were forming a plan with the Jesuits/Rothschilds/Freemasons for the Illuminati. The Great Seal of the United States was created by John Adams, which includes the Illuminati’s Eye and Pyramid. The first amendment, the freedom of religion is to cater to every religion except Biblical Christianity, as the whole freedom of religion was a cloak for the secret societies to come to America and bring about their occultic and pagan rituals in honor of Horus, Apollo and Nimrod. This is why we’re seeing an assault on Biblical Christianity all around the world and the formation from the Catholic Church to bring about the one world religion mixing all religions together for the “one world order” along with a one world government and one world currency. We may have free speech for the time being, but true Christians who don’t go along with the world system will get severely persecuted. That’s why I feel Christians in America will face severe persecution in the coming years just like Christians in other parts of the world, because our faith is in Jesus Christ and not in statism or the world system. America was founded to bring about the occult religions of old, because of what Nimrod did back in Genesis 11 with the “Tower of Babel” and that’s who these evil men worship. God’s plan to preserve His Word and Gospel message to save who He is meant to save has always been His goal, that’s why it never works out when evil men influenced by Satan believe they can fight against God and win, they cannot.
They never wanted America as a Christian nation in their statements, here they are:
That brings me to the second thing I’ve noticed, the quarter and the dollar bill.
The quarter:
There’s been quarters with the head facing towards “In God We Trust”, but the newer quarters with the head turned away from “In God We Trust”. That means the American government have turned its back on Jesus Christ, and they’re infiltrated with Luciferians when in reality, the “god” they trust in is Lucifer, not the God of the Bible. Plus, the U.S. quarters are the same as the ones from Greek and the Roman Empire. Doesn’t surprise me with all the wickedness and perversion that has taken place in the world system being run by these evil people. Unfortunately, they have no fear of God, and they really should fear Him, because in Matthew 10:28, Jesus proclaims that “We must fear God the Father as He is the only One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” We must never turn our backs on God, He has done so many wonderful things from the beginning of creation, the most wonderful gift He has ever given to us is Jesus Christ, who came to save all humanity from their sins.
The dollar:
These elite families/Illuminati/Freemasons all use symbols to communicate. The all-seeing eye (eye of providence) on the back of the $1 bill is the “enlightened one” who is referred to as Lucifer but is now Satan. The new world order is about the coming of the final Antichrist who will believe he’s “God”, blaspheme the one true God’s name and be the final ruler during the last 3 and a half years of the seven-year Tribulation along with his false prophet demanding that people fall down and worship him and take his mark. Here’s what will happen during the seven-year Tribulation period:
That brings me to the third thing I’ve noticed, people committing paganism/worship of false gods, idols and statues. Roman Catholicism is all about their pagan worship:
Galatians 5:19-21 describes the list of people who commit these sins without repenting of them, those people will not inherit God’s Kingdom, idolatry being an abomination to God which also happened in the Old Testament and Revelation 21:8 describes those same people that will go into the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death.
All man-made religion and the demons believe and realize that Christianity is a direct threat, they attack the deity of Jesus Christ, and the authority of God’s Word constantly. That’s why Jesus said in John 14:6, He is the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by Him.
America is filled with so much paganism. Hindu/Buddhist/Roman/Greek/Egyptian gods being worshipped, statues/objects/famous people/money/material possessions being idolized, and Halloween/Easter/Christmas/Mother’s and Father’s Day are celebrated more than the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Halloween is utterly demonic:
The meaning of Easter:
Christmas has been commercialized, people always want more and more gifts from “Santa”, and they idolize the tree by decorating it:
We must give honor, praise, glory, gratitude, and thanks to God the Father, Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit daily and for everything They do for true Christians always, not just a few times out of the year. (Colossians 3:17)
The same with honoring our mother and our dad daily, not just once as that is God the Father’s 5th Commandment. (Exodus 20:12)
That brings me to the fourth and final thing I’ve noticed, America’s depravity, sinfulness and pure wickedness as it was in Noah’s day and Lot’s day. Since the fall of Adam and Eve when the serpent made them doubt what God the Father had said to them, we live in a corrupt world.
America has been spiraling out of control for a long time.
America has decided to go their own way leading to their doom, including the evil of murdering people without any remorse, shootings, the killing of babies in the womb, the sin of homosexuality, feminism, the ongoing idolatry and false god/statue/object worship from all man-made religion, blatant witchcraft/sorcery/magic, the constant division/deception/chaos people claiming to be transgender, pastors and their churches affirming and going along with sinful lifestyles never having any humility or integrity about preaching the truth of their sinfulness/teaching on the prosperity gospel and not on the whole truth of the Bible or the gospel of Jesus, boasters, greedy, arrogant, covetous, lovers of themselves, prideful, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, and having a form of godliness, but denying the power.
People would rather not know the truth of the Bible and about Jesus Christ, they don’t want God’s wisdom and knowing that they’re doing wrong they ignore their conscience which is there for a reason. God’s law is written on our hearts which Romans 2:15 mentions, where we know what’s right and what’s wrong. Sin continues to do the utmost damage on people who truly have no concept on what sin is, they go along with everyone else, not knowing that sin is the universal disease and those who go down that sinful path, it leads to death as Romans 6:23 says.
America is the Biblical final Babylon where the Catholic Church/the papacy will form the one world religion and Washington District of Columbia is the city of so much occultism which is preparing for the resurrection of Osiris. The walls of protection that God had over America has been lifted, we have been given over to our reprobate minds and been given over to our adversaries, including Russia and the biggest threat America has ever faced, China who has taken over and infiltrated our nation from within. The Chinese spy balloon, the farmland that China’s government and billionaires have bought and now with the whole drone scenario, we are being given over to China who is now our biggest enemy and threat. We must only look to Jesus Christ to save us, because the world is passing away and God’s judgment and wrath are coming, we have no say on that, because God created the universe and everything in it in 6 days, He’s preparing to pour out His judgment and wrath with fire this time around. God’s mercy and grace will not last much longer, we’re headed towards the seven-year Tribulation period which will be the most horrific time in human history. So, to be saved and to receive God’s free gift of eternal life, we must confess with our mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord, believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, repent of our sins and turn away from them, believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay the atonement for them when we confess them, surrender our whole lives to God with the time that we have left, be obedient, fully committed to Him and follow His Commandments. I give all the praise, the glory, the gratitude and honor to Jesus Christ for everything He has done for humanity and for sacrificing His life for ours so that we’re able to be with Him in Heaven forever. Turn to Jesus Christ today, because tomorrow is never promised at all for anyone. God Bless everyone!
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. - Romans 1:28-32.
Stephen Darby Ministries videos:
Wretched Watchmen videos:
The History Speaks video:
Explanation videos of this religion:
Stephen Powell video:
J.C.O.M.E.S. Its all about Jesus! video:
End Time Headlines videos:
Something major is coming, we must be prepared, America is being set up.
America’s timeclock is ticking, it’s only a matter of time before we’re at war with China.
John MacArthur sermon:
Links to the Entire Timeline of the Cabal - Parts 1 & 2:
Twitter links:
“Christian Nationalism” wants to destroy Biblical Christianity but cannot.
Christian Nationalism is preparing America for false peace. (1 Thessalonians 5:3)
The American documents have nothing to do with God’s Word which is adding to His Word.
Latest Economist Magazine cover includes ‘Saturn’ in the artwork.
Saturn worship is displayed for all to see but most don’t see.
This is what the Abraham Accords is all about, peace and safety.
“The Snake”, and for the Chinese New Year, 2025 will be the year of “the snake”.
Ushering in the Third Temple, a sign that Jesus’ return is imminent.
The Illuminati was established before the founding of America in 1776.
End Time Headlines links: