Christmas started with Emperor Constantine.
And is a man-made concept to get people thinking they're celebrating Jesus' birth, but in fact they've got it all wrong. Jesus hates vain worship and man's traditions. I love You, King Jesus!
A repost on how Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus but everything to do with paganism and that a false god going by the name of Nimrod/Tammuz is whose birthday is celebrated on December 25th: The pagan worship of Nimrod.
I wanted to say first off, thank you to everyone who has subscribed, I am really grateful for and appreciative of every single one of you. To those who are new, I only want to provide the information and the truth necessary so I can help those who may not understand how God expects us to worship, honor, praise Him and glorify His name through His Word being the only truth, not on man-made doctrines and that everyone can do their own research to know the truth themselves with the knowledge from God that I’ve found. We must have discernment for ourselves because there may be times where we won’t trust what anyone says, that knowledge is increasing mentioned in Daniel 12:4 and artificial intelligence now is getting so real that we won’t know whether things are real or not.
So, with that being said, continuing on with my post: Roman Emperor Constantine said he converted to Christianity but incorporated his pagan beliefs within Christianity, he’s the one that created the religion of Roman Catholicism, created the building that is the Roman Catholic Church with a lot of symbolism inside, he’s the one that got the people to commit idolatry and blasphemy against Jesus thinking that they were doing a good thing and Catholics still to this day commit idolatry and blasphemy, it’s all demonic, and he’s the one that created the “Christian” holidays that are “Valentine’s Day”, “Good Friday”, “Easter”, and “Christmas”, when none of those holidays are close to being Christian let alone about our Lord, King and Savior Jesus Christ.
Corporations have become so greedy to the point where these holidays are all about getting people to spend loads of money on gifts, buy a huge tree with loads of decorations so those huge amounts of gifts can go under it, buy stockings with gifts, buy decorations and lights to go outside of the house, buy lots of food including desserts to the point where people are gorging themselves committing gluttony and then everyone going off and playing with the gifts not wanting to spend time together as a family with their Bibles open or spending time with God who has given us the most precious gift ever, the gift of life and breath in our lungs to cherish each day He gives. It’s really upsetting at how the world has gotten so dark and the godless people have become so prideful, greedy, narcissistic, cold, envious of others and what they have rather than appreciating all the things they have now, selfish to the point of not helping others with their needs but on what they can get for themselves and they don’t care what they do to get it even if it means trampling on others or snatching it out of their hands and not showing love to others but rather being hateful and treating them with disgust. Christmas is evil in itself, it has pagan roots, Jesus’ birthday is not on December 25th, we must reprove the unfruitful works of darkness, and we must use each day to spread the good news of the true Gospel of Christ.
To be saved, and receive God the Father’s free gift of eternal life, we must confess with our mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord, believe that God the Father has raised Him from the dead, repent of our sins and turn away from them, believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay the atonement for our sins when we confess them to Him, surrender our whole lives to Jesus with the time we have left, obey Him, fully commit to Him and follow His Commandments. We all must be willing to give up the world and everything in it to follow Jesus on the narrow path. (1 John 2:15-17, James 4:4)
It may not be easy, it’s a lifetime of spiritual warfare, losing family members, “friends” who we thought were friends but aren’t, material possessions, denying ourselves, crucifying our flesh, taking up our crosses, following Jesus daily, proclaiming the whole truth even if the world hates us, we will have hostility from so many people, we will get called horrible names, we will get reviled, falsely accused, slandered, persecuted and we must wage war against the world system, our fleshly desires and Satan until the moment God calls us home and when we are with Him, what we dealt with in the world won’t matter anymore, being with Jesus will have been so worth it to live our lives for Him. Please turn to Jesus and study the Bible before time runs out. The world isn’t going to get any better, and the time for Jesus’ return is imminent. We have no idea when that will be, but we use our time wisely to share the whole truth of the Gospel of Christ with every creature, we must never sugar coat or water down the Gospel to make it acceptable, it must be the whole truth. I give all the praise, the glory, the gratitude and honor to Jesus Christ for everything He gives and does for us, even when we don’t deserve it. Turn to Jesus Christ today, because tomorrow is never promised at all for anyone. God Bless everyone!
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. - Colossians 2:8.
Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. - James 4:4.
Truthunedited video:
J.C.O.M.E.S. Its all about Jesus! video:
Yeodefashionedman video:
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