My song about Jesus dying on the Cross.
And what it meant to Him. It meant so much He was willing to give Himself as a sacrifice to pay for all of our sins and we must give our lives back to Jesus to show Him how much we love Him!
Verse 1:
I believe everyone knows that our Lord Jesus came down in human form for us, to die on the cross,
Sacrificing Himself and rising from the dead on the 3rd day meant that Satan was going to get his first blow and massive loss,
Our True God thought of everything at the beginning of His creation,
Unfortunately, the Romans, the Pharisees and the crowd mocked Jesus to the point where He suffered so much humiliation,
His apostles scattered denying their association and never gave Him much appreciation,
I thank You, Father, for the gift of procreation,
After You created the first two humans, Adam and Eve,
Then they ate from the apple of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, from paradise in the Garden of Eden they had to leave,
Adam sinned being the first man, there had to be a redeemer and a Savior for all humankind,
With the Israelites in the Old Testament, they had to sacrifice animals in order to pay for their sins as they worshiped statues and were being blind,
Now with Jesus being our Lamb and the Son of God, He shed His blood for the payment of our sins,
As He is preparing places for us in heaven, we will be in the presence of our faithful Creator and our King and Savior, Jesus Christ, giving Them all the glory, praise and forever singing songs and hymns,
It’s not necessary to use animals as a sacrifice to pay for our sins any longer,
With His blood, the courage, the love, the hope, the joy, the peace, and the comfort all from Him, we become so much stronger,
Hebrews 10:10 says that we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all,
And for anyone who has anxiety, depression, fear, who is hurting, suffering, injured, and feeling like they have demonic spirits influencing them, with Jesus He will help in all different ways and situations, upon His name just call,
Then after the Rapture and the seven-year tribulation, Jesus will come back for His second coming to separate the sheep from the goats as the Bible says in Matthew 25:31-46,
You still have time to run to the cross and to ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins as you confess them to Him and turn away from them before it’s too late,
I will absolutely pray for everyone if it’s in God’s will for you to attain salvation,
It’s in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that I will always pray,
Chorus: (x2)
Thank You, King Jesus, for dying on the cross for me,
I give my free will back to You and my heart is truly devoted to You as I will worship, praise and give glory to You daily praying and bending my knee,
Living for You I know I will suffer tribulation and persecution,
And I’ve made my final decision,
My faith and trust will always be in You,
I love You, King Jesus.
Verse 2:
The shape of love is not a heart or a diamond, it is THE Cross,
With Jesus’ ascension to heaven and paying the debt in full for our sins with His blood, there goes Satan’s second loss,
Then his third when he ends up in the lake of fire with the beast and the false prophet forever and ever being tormented day and night,
As for right now, we live at war with Satan who wants to destroy us but when true believers apply the Bible to our daily life, it’s a constant battle and we will always put up a fight,
In an evil, corrupt, perverse, sinful and dying world as we are Jesus’ messengers and constantly being His beacons of hope and light,
Speaking up for and protecting the whole truth that the Word of God specifically says as we preach the whole gospel of Christ and share His love,
Valentines Day is a pagan celebration where big corporations are greedy, but I want everyone to know that love is not about the material items you buy especially the flowers and stuff,
That doesn’t even compare to the love that our Lord Jesus Christ has for all of us and a heart that is fully devoted to Him is all He wants,
As well as fully repenting of our sins, confessing with our mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord, believing in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, trusting alone in Him, having faith in Him, surrendering our lives to God and following all of His commandments in order to be saved,
Heavenly Father, if it’s in Your will I pray for this very sinful nation to turn from their evil ways and for all non-believers to no longer be depraved,
Because Jesus Christ died once for all for the remission of sins and will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation and ungodly people will have no excuse for their sins,
If they choose to reject Your Son, Jesus Christ and who are unrepentant, judgment and the lake of fire awaits, but we who truly believe in Him, in heaven being with You and Him for all eternity, that will be where our life truly begins,
Our enemy and adversary will always do his best to attack true believers on all sides, but don’t worry, he knows that in the end our Lord Jesus Christ wins,
Destroying Satan and all people who choose to side with him,
Deny yourselves, pick up your crosses and follow Jesus Christ daily, we win with Him on our side,
Whereas the enemy who fell from heaven like lightning having pride, so he will be in hell with pride,
I pray for all people to attain salvation before it’s too late,
It’s in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus, that I pray,
Chorus: (x2)
Thank You, King Jesus, for dying on the cross for me,
I give my free will back to You and my heart is truly devoted to You as I will worship, praise and give glory to You daily praying and bending my knee,
Living for You I know I will suffer tribulation and persecution,
And I’ve made my final decision,
My faith and trust will always be in You,
I love You, King Jesus.
Mary Magdalene first, then Your apostles and 500 brethren afterwards witnessed Your resurrection,
No other man has done what You have done, King Jesus,
I truly am humbled and believe that God has raised You from the dead,
Your Word is sufficient,
I love You, King Jesus.
John MacArthur sermon: