This song is called "Sharing My Testimony."
Satan hates it when we share our testimonies about our journey to knowing/turning to Jesus and having a personal relationship with Him daily. Satan loses in the end. I love You, King Jesus!
And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. “And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.” But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. - 1 Peter 3:13-17.
Verse 1:
Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me the inspiration and the motivation to share my faith in Jesus to everyone with this song of my personal testimony,
First off, I was born with what Moses had, a speech impairment,
Didn’t know how to cope, so the bullying that I endured in school and the abuse/tension within our household throughout my childhood brought me a whole lot of anger, fear, anxiety, depression and resentment,
Leaving America at 3 years old and going to school in England, the peer pressure that I suffered from my “friends” made me weak, passive going along with everything, anxious and at the time it didn’t help because sometimes I stutter, I didn’t have the vocabulary to say anything and I’m shy,
My first stepdad never taught me anything, he treated me like I was nothing, so I felt powerless when the bullies came and I just felt I wanted to cry,
I’m very appreciative of the wonderful people that I had to help me through high school because of my language disorder, even with their help, I still got picked on by bullies and I thought why,
There was a special needs room that I went into, to get help with my homework, they saw me and laughed but I never had the guts to tell them “bye”,
I’m very thankful to my Mum for the love and compassion she showed to me and my sister through the difficult times,
The rap music I listened to in my teenage years up until my mid 20’s didn’t help my life, it made me violent, aggressive and even more angry to the point where if someone hurt me, I cursed, blasphemed, insulted, called them names and lashed out by dissing them with my songwriting but I’m thankful I have this talent for my rhymes,
Feeling like I didn’t fit in anywhere because of the name calling and insults people kept throwing at me, all I wanted was to be a people pleaser,
On top of that I wanted to go into Hollywood to be a rapper, I didn’t know any better and wanted to be an achiever but thank goodness my family explained what Hollywood was about which was a big reliever,
With my mindset I had no concept of God, just like everyone else, we are only able to see the things that are in the world without faith/reading the Bible and thought my life was meaningless, I thought being famous would help my family out and I’d enjoy writing,
That would’ve been a very bad mistake, the pressure would be on and there’d be constant bickering and fighting,
Once I finished school and college, everyone scattered and I had no one to call a friend,
Anger, depression, feeling down on myself, and anxiety carried on for a good part of my life, I truly felt that I was going to feel this way forever and I just wanted it to end,
Kept eating vegetarian meals for a few years, that’s all that my stepdad would allow,
The house was very tension filled, he loved playing his mind games and thank goodness it was time to leave so we said ciao,
After we left, I was even more depressed and no matter what was on my plate I didn’t have an appetite,
That’s when my Mum decided it was time to come back to America and when we did, my appetite increased, I’m definitely satisfied and I needed more sunlight,
I thank God we came back even though I do miss England sometimes, I give Jesus all the praise and the glory for everything He does and continues to do for us daily,
I love You, Jesus, very much,
Chorus: (x2)
This is me sharing my testimony,
I’m a wretched sinner in need of a Savior and because of Jesus’ sacrifice and shedding His blood, He set me free,
I pray for people to see their sinfulness, mourn, repent of their sins and be transformed by Jesus’ power and the shedding of His blood,
When we share the truth, the world system sees Christians as worthless and as crud,
All that matters is I love Jesus and He first loved us.
Verse 2:
Heavenly Father, I really do pray to help people understand that I just want to point them to Jesus who died on the cross for us/our sins and rose from the dead on the third day,
Never hating anyone but sharing the truth in love, loving our enemies and we will always pray,
Secondly, if it wasn’t the music I listened to or the TV shows/movies I watched, it was the graphic and violent video games that I played,
I got my first job at Walmart, met people who I thought were my friends but being of the world, I still went along with everything and in my comfort zone I stayed,
I cared for people in the way that I thought in my mind, but all I could ever think about was myself with the hurt I felt and wanted to do things my way,
Greed, envy and lying kicked in, I took money out that I wanted to spend on myself never realizing that it was meant for bills/food, so at that point I didn’t want to stay,
A “friend” who I thought had my back wanted me to go where he was, it’d be fun but I didn’t know what things would be in store,
It was a chance to experience someplace else, not in the way that I went about things and my family didn’t want me to go but all I could think of was myself still, I had no idea how it would affect them, so I just went out the door,
Going out into the world as I felt very anxious for what was coming and trying to get to Texas was a nightmare, there was not enough space in the apartment and ended up sleeping on a mattress close to the floor,
My “friend” was very narcissistic, toxic and abusive, he called me a bully, threw insults at me, blamed me for things I didn’t do, quit his job making me pay for the bills/food and walking on eggshells around him I felt like we were always at war,
I was preparing to go to Kentucky I didn’t know how he would react, I tried to sneak out but when he saw me my life was threatened, he raged, came towards me, punched me so hard I went back into the wall and choked me for a few seconds, my jaw was sore,
Kentucky was cold, went to Iowa and loved seeing my Grandma but I regretted leaving, then went back to Texas to work again, I found another “friend” that treated me not very nice which I felt was a bad mistake,
She almost kicked me out of the house when I chose not to go outside with her, I had no money for food, I felt even more depressed and I had no idea if life was worth living anymore feeling suicidal, then I had an encounter with God when I prayed, He answered so that I’d be motivated to live for Him and be awake,
One month later I saved up my money and wanted to go back home to be with my family, when I did I still had anger issues, anxiety and depression dealing with what happened when I was out on my own,
My Mum got a Bible for her birthday in 2021, we decided to add prayer into our daily lives, God saw that we were all ready to read His Word and He sent His Spirit into us, we’re very thankful to Him for saving us and from the foundation of the world, by Him we are known,
With God’s help during these 3 years, He’s been transforming us into a new creature into Christ’s likeness and might be made the righteousness of God in Jesus, so our faith journey has grown,
The more I study the Bible, pray and talk with God, praise/glorify/worship Him, the more my worry and depression is gone, my anxiety has lowered, my anger has decreased by a lot and since I’ve been preaching the gospel/sharing the truth of the Bible, people have said the most vile things to me but I’m blessed when they revile me, persecute me and call me names,
Jesus’ gospel is to be taken seriously, Jesus must never be mocked even though the world will, but when people see His wrath, they will know that He meant business and wasn’t here to play games,
This is the only life we get to believe in Jesus as we are to preach His gospel to every creature and the praise and the glory belongs to Him daily, I’ll praise and glorify His name every day,
To be saved and to get God’s free gift of eternal life, people must confess with their mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord, believe in their hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, repent of their sins and turn away from them, believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay the atonement for their sins, surrender their whole lives to God, obey Him, be fully committed and follow His Commandments,
Heavenly Father, I thank You for giving me the inspiration to share my testimony and for more people to turn to You, have faith in You and believe in You before it’s too late,
It’s in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus, that I pray,
Chorus: (x2)
This is me sharing my testimony,
I’m a wretched sinner in need of a Savior and because of Jesus’ sacrifice and shedding His blood, He set me free,
I pray for people to see their sinfulness, mourn, repent of their sins and be transformed by Jesus’ power and the shedding of His blood,
When we share the truth, the world system sees Christians as worthless and as crud,
All that matters is I love Jesus and He first loved us.
I was told that I would never have any imagination or grasp on the unseen things, especially having faith in Jesus Christ, but all that changed when my family and I wanted to start reading the Bible fully,
We must share our testimonies because the devil hates how we came to our faith in Jesus,
Jesus gave the devil his blow when He rose from the dead on the third day,
It’s time to take a stand for Jesus, our “friends” won’t be there on Judgment Day when we’re judged by Him one on one,
Are you for or against Him? It’s time to choose, time is running out,
I love You very much, King Jesus!
WOW! That is really good. Thank you.
Thank you, Jesus.