Jun 19Liked by I Kneel For Christ

You have such a gift with prose brother. Thank you for capturing all the challenges we face and reminding us of the power of belonging to Christ. We must put on the armour of God daily to withstand the evil that is and will come against us and rejoice at your feet to the Glory of God our Creator and Saviour! God Bless you as you encourage and lift up your family in Christ!

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Thank you for your support and encouragement, sister!

I'm reminded of 1 Peter 4:10, using the gifts/talents that we have received from God to minister them with other people, so we give all praise and glory to God.

I really am thankful to be able to capture everything going on in the world and to help people know we have nothing to fear when it comes to the daily wickedness we face from all the people who choose to go against Jesus and what He has done for us, plus to know that we have continued strength, courage, peace, comfort and joy from Jesus and His love is everlasting.

I love the apostle Paul's teachings on Ephesians 6:10-18 on the full armor of God and that we must always stand against the wiles of the devil. So much wickedness all around, but the power of Jesus will overcome the devil himself and I can't wait until that day when he is thrown into the lake of fire forever.

Rejoice as God will always get the glory and the praise for everything and Jesus our personal Lord, Creator and Savior. Thank you for everything and for your comment, it's really nice to be able to share the talent received from God to everyone! God Bless you as well, sister and always wanting to uplift everyone, even the unbelievers who can't see anything yet, but praying for their eyes to be open! I pray that we'll always encourage and lift up everyone all around us! 🙏

I also wanted to say, I know we've not known each other for very long, but it's been wonderful having fellowship with you and becoming friends with you! You're always very encouraging and inspirational, thank you for the friendship we've made and you're one of my favorite accounts I follow. 😊

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