Sitemap - 2024 - Every Knee Shall Bow

Anticipation of 2025.

America is under God's divine judgment.

Christmas started with Emperor Constantine.

The Great White Throne Judgment.

The Great Tribulation.

Children need a united family with God at the center.

This song is called "Sharing My Testimony."

The Rapture is Pre-Tribulation.

Feminism completely ruins family structure.

Spiritual Discernment: Part III.

False religion that is Zoroastrianism.

Spiritual Discernment: Part II.

False religion that is Greek Mythology.

Spiritual Discernment: Part I.

Persecution is increasing and will continue to.

Being lukewarm is a dangerous path to be on.

Abortion will always be murder to our holy God.

We're not meant to question God on what He has done.

The world sees Christians as cowardly and weak.

False religion that is Satanism.

The Vatican/Roman Catholicism is of Satan.

False religion that is the Jehovah's Witnesses.

This message is for all believers, especially the new.

Knowing about America before vs. now.

As truth is being proclaimed more, hostility is increasing.

I love songwriting, so I've written another song.

The world will hate us for living holy for God.

"Professing Christians" can't love Jesus and the LGBT+ sinful lifestyle.

We must confess Jesus Christ before everyone.

God will have vengeance on His enemies who mock Him.

God's Commandments vs. the Constitution.

I want to always praise and glorify Jesus Christ.

Children indoctrination is getting worse.

False religion that is Islam.

My song called "Judgment."

Going after God's Word isn't the best idea.

The Chosen series is deceiving people.

Christianity is lifechanging.

Jesus Christ is our only way to heaven.

There is evidence that Jesus Christ exists.

My song which is about Forgiveness.

We are all created male or female in the image of God.

Watch out for this wolf in sheep's clothing.

Day 28: He is Risen.

Day 27: Jesus Handed Over to Pontius Pilate.

Day 26: The Plot to Kill Jesus.

Cursing/swearing does not glorify God.

Day 25: The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins.

Day 24: Jesus Predicts the Destruction of the Temple.

The Christian's constant battle against Satan.

Day 23: Woe to the Scribes and Pharisees.

My song about Jesus dying on the Cross.

Day 22: The Parable of the Wedding Feast.

Day 21: The Triumphal Entry.

We are all sinners. We must trust in Jesus Christ alone.

Day 20: The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard.

Non-believers are not prepared for what is to come.

Day 19: Marriage and Divorce.

Day 18: Who is the Greatest?

The Roman Catholic Church continues to wage war against God.

Day 17: Jesus Transfigured on the Mount.

Day 16: The Pharisees and Sadducees Seek a Sign.

Day 15: Defilement Comes from Within.

Biblical Christians will not accept anyone's sinful lifestyle.

Day 14: John the Baptist Beheaded.

Day 13: The Parable of the Sower.

Christian persecution is going to be ramping up a lot more.

Day 12: Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath.

Day 11: John the Baptist sends messengers to Jesus.

Non-believers will try to make you doubt your faith in Jesus.

Day 10: The Twelve Apostles.

Day 9: Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralytic.

Day 8: Jesus Cleanses a Leper.

So many people fight against God.

Day 7: Do Not Judge.

Day 6: Do Good to Please God.

My song which is about Pride vs. Humility.

Day 5: The Beatitudes.

Day 4: Satan Tempts Jesus.

A.I. is increasing rapidly on a dangerous level.

Day 3: John the Baptist Prepares the Way.

Day 2: Wise Men from the East.

False religion that is Gnosticism.

Day 1: The Genealogy of Jesus Christ.